Monday, September 16, 2013

And soo treatment Begins!!

Let's start from after my last post. I had tons of testing that needed to be done before treatment could really start. On Wednesday I got blood work, a chest x-ray, an EKG, and did a simulation with my radiation mask and the angles the radiation has to aim. 

After all my testing I spent the rest of Wednesday torturing Tara and all her roommates until she took me back to State College on Thursday after a great lunch with Ashley. She's got an incredible story that I'm so happy she shared with me and she's been a great confidant through this experience! :)

I couldn't wait to get back on Thursday because Allison, Chelsea, and Ashley didn't know I was coming. Although during the day Friday I ventured on campus to see as many people as possible, most of Thursday and Friday night consisted of having people visit me, which made things more relaxing! 

Game dayyyy!!!!!! I was so excited to be able to tailgate and get back into Beaver Stadium. In order to save my energy I hung out with my roommates until about 1 before walking up to tailgate. Even starting that late was tiring. I stopped by Nittanyville because my fellow, amazing committee got together and got me a quarter zip! And I got to wear my credentials finally ( name tag ish ). I finally got to visit Mrs. Bifano's tailgate on the way back from the stadium to our tailgate! It worked out great. We went in and the game kept us on our toes. With just a few minutes left I had 1 very small seizure, so we watched the end on a television. But we had a doctor's appointment today and all is well!!

THANK YOU NITTANYVILLE CC!!! LOVE YOU ALL ( ignore John) . My quarter zip is still packed..

Sunday I went home and got to fit in a great dinner and packer watching plans at The Coach with Jake and Mindy! Jake finally got to meet Gilly and I finally got a Packers t-shirt! 

Today was the first day of treatment! It was a long day but most of the length was waiting for my chemo to arrive. I realized today I didn't tell a lot of people I got the IV trial that wouldn't respond as well with just the pill so we do the IV first then the pill after the 6 weeks. The IV is just once a week so it's not bad. The radiation today was faster than the simulation haha. Plus I'm still fascinated by the whole machine and process!

HAPPY BELATED 24th BIRTHDAY JOHN TECCE! In his honor I added more pictures than I usually do! It wasn't bad. Easier when he does it :p 

All in all, things have been going well! :) 

P.S. shout out to Jeff and the rest of the amazing Lowe family for having this shirt make it here a few days before this great guy arrived! 


  1. As always, a pleasure to read your update! I hear you saying it with a smile on your face as I read!

  2. So happy to hear you're progressing along! Keep your positive attitude and spirit! ♥

  3. So happy to hear you're progressing along! Keep your positive attitude and spirit! ♥

  4. Kayla, a little late to the party but I love this post! The photos look great and I'm glad to see that you have such a supportive environment. Even though medicine has progressed leaps and bounds, having a great support system truly can make a world of difference. I was reading a few of your other posts and had a quick question. Could you please email me back when you get the chance? Thanks so much!

